Imam Training by Islamic foundation 2023

The Imam Training Programme conducted by the Imam Training Academy is making a significant contribution to national development endeavors, with particular emphasis on Islamic values and ideals on the one hand and building the much-needed bridge between the needs of development and the beliefs and convictions of the people on the other.

The syllabus of the Imam Training program includes fundamentals of Islam, agriculture, livestock, pisciculture, horticulture, afforestation, environment, AIDS and HIV, cooperatives, health and nutrition, first aid, cottage industries, development planning, mass literacy, Woman and Children’s right, human rights, mother and child care etc. More than 53,088 Imams and 1600 officers and employees of Islamic Foundation Bangladesh and other organizations have so far been trained at this Academy. Besides more than 13,388 trained Imams have been imparted refresher training. Imam Training by Islamic foundation 2023 Has been given below:

Free Imam Training course by Islamic Foundation 2023

Source: Daily Ittefaq, 19 July 2023

Application Deadline: 31 July 2023 


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