Housing and Building Research Institute Job Circular 2022


Housing and Building Research Institute job circular 2022 has been published by the authority. It’s an attractive job circular. Almost, everyone wants to join a popular institute. In this case, Housing and Building Research Institute is too much perfect. Because Housing and Building Research Institute is the largest housing company in Bangladesh. Otherwise, Housing and Building Research Institute recruit many people to work with this company, so that, unemployed people can establish their career.

Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI) is an autonomous organization under the Government of Bangladesh Ministry of Housing and Public Works. The institute was established through the passing of the Housing and Building Research Institutes Act 2016. The Institute has a total of 153 personnel including 33 qualified research personnel. All activities including the R & D program are now being executed through the following Divisions and Sections.

Housing and Building Research Institute Job Circular 2022

Source: Daily Ittefaq, 07 April 2022

Application Deadline: 22 April 2022 


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