Social Marketing Company SMC Job Circular 2023


Social Marketing Company SMC job circular 2023 has been published. Social marketing company job circular related all information has been found on our website is Long time, social marketing companies continue their work in Bangladesh. It’s the most popular company in our country. This job circular will help unemployed people. Anyone can take this challenge. SMC is one of the most popular marketing companies in Bangladesh.

It’s one of the most important jobs circular to unemployed people. You can get job-related information by visiting our website which is This institute is working with uneducated people which means a huge number of people are unconscious of their health. They can not know their information about health. So we can say that this job brings out a great opportunity. Its mission is to grow as a social business enterprise that generates substantial financial resources to help fund or co-fund socially beneficial products and services for women, children, and families. If you want to apply, you should attend the walk-in interview at a specific time. SMC job circular 2023 has been converted to an image file so that everyone can read it easily or download this job circular. Social Marketing Company Job Circular 2023 has been given below.

Company NameSocial Marketing Company SMC
Job Circular Title in Short FormSMC Job Circular 2023
Job Category Pharmaceuticals job Circular 2023
Educational QualificationsSee Circular below
Age Limit35 Years
Application Deadline14 October 2023
Official Website

SMC Job Circular 2023

Application Deadline: 14 October 2023


Check Social Marketing Company All Recent job Circular Posted On Official Website jobs here

Click Here To View Job Circular & Apply Online

Check SMC Enterprise Ltd. All Recent job Circular Posted On BD jobs here

Click Here To View Job Circular & Apply Online

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47 thoughts on “Social Marketing Company SMC Job Circular 2023

  1. আমি এনজিওতে জোনাল ম্যানেজার হিসেবে কাজ করছি। আপনাদের প্রতিষ্ঠানে চাকুরি করতে আগ্রহী।

    1. Ami popular fharmaty 3 year hoylo Engineering HVAC kaj korci ….amar fmaily onek Poor tai poor fmaily ektu bibecona kora jaina …..amar exprience ta kajey lagaty chai …..

    2. আমি ময়মনসিং ভালুকা এসএমসি এন্টারপ্রাইজ লিমিটেড কোম্পানিতে এক বছর যাবত জব করছি ওর স্যালাইন
      ক্রাশিং অ্যান্ড সিভিং সেকশনে
      আমার ফ্যামিলি মধ্যবিত্ত আর মধ্যবিত্ত ফ্যামিলির একজন সন্তান
      আমার একটি চাকরির খুব দরকার

        1. আমি,
          স্কয়ার টয়লেট্রিজ লিঃ এ ২ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ থেকে ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২১ পর্যন্ত চাকুরী করেছি
          আমি SMC কোম্পানিতে ঢুকতে চাই।
          কিভাবে যোগাযোগ করতে পারি?

      1. Ami leon Pharma te sr er kaj korchi…ami ekn smc te dukte cai…. 2017 teke continue…poribar niye onek somossai achi….akn smc te amer akta job dorkar

  2. Have good Day !
    I am still now working at Novartis (Bangladesh) Limited, my position Regional Manager.

    Md Shahin Mia
    Regional Manager
    Sandoz division
    Novartis (Bangladesh ) Limited

  3. Have nice Day !
    I am still now working at Hamza labratorories my position medical promotion officer sir i want to work in your company .I can do Anything work . . Md sifatullah medical promotion officer Hamza labratories

  4. Ami apnader companyr jonne Amar sorbsokti diye kaj korbo amake jober bebosta koredin Ami banglay honours korchi

  5. SMC Tower, 33 Banani C/A, Dhaka – 1213
    ei location a smc r circular hoiche ki naa kew ki janen?
    Janle ektu janaben plzz

  6. Have a good day
    I am Md.Abu Jahid hasan
    I am still working at Boshundhora paper mills lim. Unit 3
    My pojition diapant machine oparetor 2

  7. আমি ৫বছর rfl চাকরি করেছি এখন চাকরি করিতে চাই

  8. Expirenc… MPO..Orion ph..5 year
    … S MPO…….Pharmasia 1 year
    I ami interested your company..

  9. Ami popular pharmaceutical e 6year noack blister operator hisebe job kortesi .

    Ami akhon smcte Korte chai.kivabe job Pete pari?

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