BOF Written Exam Schedule 2018


BOF Written Exam Schedule 2018 has been published by the Bangladesh ordnance factories authority (BOF) website Bangladesh ordnance factories authority (BOF) Written Exam Result 2018, Bangladesh ordnance factories authority (BOF) written exam 2018, Bangladesh ordnance factories authority (BOF) VIVA exam Schedule 2018, Bangladesh ordnance factories authority (BOF) Practical Exam Routine 2018 has been also published on our website.

In Bangladesh ordnance factories established suitable a golf club. BOF golf club is a beautiful green place that is located in Gazipur main city. BOF golf club was established in 2005 to provide recreation and sports to all member’s who are looking for a comfortable place. The BOF Golf Club house has fully air-conditioned conference room besides a mini stage for social or cultural program. It’s a great recreation offer for the worker’s Bangladesh ordnance factory. In this type of facilities can be increase inspire of worker’s of BOF. Bangladesh ordnance factory was formally inaugurated in 06 April 1970. In 1971 a few number of people who came from china to work this factory,during the liberation war they left the factory. Then the construction work was hampered and the chinese team could not finish the work. In 1976 a few number of people came from china and completed remaining works like provisioning of machinery, tools, gauges, fixture etc. Bangladesh ordnance factory went regular production in 1977. In 1982-83 BMR (Balancing, Modernization and Replacement) works started and completed in 1987.  in 2000 the BOF entered new organizational set up that has been published by the gazette notification. It was a great moment for this institute also Bangladesh. As a part of modernization and expansion of small arms ammunition production, a new project termed as CB-10 Project was successfully implemented in 2012. BOF Job Exam Result Health VIVA & Practical Exam Date 2018 has been given below:

BOF Written Exam Schedule 2018

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