Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Job Circular 2022


Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Job Circular 2022 has been published by the authority. It’s a huge opportunity for unemployed people, Who want to do jobs in this sector. Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy is one of the important parts of our country. With the job chances in Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, anyone can take this opportunity. To get the latest update on Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Job Circular 2022 you can visit Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy’s official website which is & also our website.

 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman established “Shilpakala Academy” on 19th February 1974 with a national interest in developing a creative humanitarian nation. Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy is the only national institute for the development of art and culture. Under the law of the National Parliament, Shilpakala Academy was recognized for the purpose of creating a cultural impact by preserving and maintaining historical and cultural activities all over the country and was initiated after tearing down the former Pakistan Art Council in 1974.

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy orchestrate its operations in six different sectors, they are:

1. Theatre and film department
2. Music, dancing, and recital department
3. Fine arts and photography department
4. Training department
5. Research & publishing department
6 .Production department

There are also two more sub-sectors:

1. Finance, Accounts, and planning department
2. Maintenance sub-department

There are six directors for these departments. The secretary will look after administrative affairs and finance and accounting. The highest executive officer of the academy is the Managing Director. He is appointed by the government and is in charge of the overall administrative responsibilities. Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Job Circular 2022 has been given below:

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Job Circular 2022

Source: Daily Prothom Alo, 11 December 2022

Application Deadline: 31 December 2022

Visit Website:

Promotion and practice of Drama, cinema, music, dancing, recital, fine arts, and photography are the main objectives of the organization. Alongside this the organization also works on talent nurturing of artists and performers, supporting to improve their skills, researching different fields of art and culture, inspiring to criticize and think creatively, arranging workshops on different media of culture, arranging seminars and discussion meetings, making arrangements for short and long term higher levels of training, monthly allowance for insolvent artists and arranging one-time support, creating opportunities for promising future artists, arranging competitions different subjects and rewarding performing artists, sending special cultural group abroad to represent Bangladeshi culture, giving Shilpakala award for extraordinary contribution in different sectors of culture and arts and publishing books, periodicals and identity awareness memorials etc.

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