Aarong Job Circular 2025


Aarong job circular 2025 related to all information has been published on my website jobs.lekhaporabd.net. Aarong is one of the largest social institutes of BRAC established in 1978 as a retail chain that is making a significant contribution to the internal economy through the creation of market linkage, entrepreneurs, and employment opportunities. Aarong offers a fair price to rural suppliers and artisans while introducing the products to urban markets where both demand and consumers’ willingness to pay are the highest.

Today, Aarong has transformed into a high surplus-generating enterprise, operating as one of the largest lifestyle retailers in Bangladesh. Aarong invites applications for the following position. If you want to apply for this job, you should submit your application within a Specific Deadline. Aarong Career Opportunities 2025 has been converted to an image file so that everyone can read it easily or download this job circular. Aarong job circular 2025 has been given below.

Job TitleAarong Job Circular 2025
Job CategoryCompany job Circular 2025
Number of Vacant positionsNot Specified
Educational QualificationA Bachelor Degree (preferably Bachelor of Business Administration) from any reputed university
Age LimitSee the circular
GenderBoth Male & Female
SalarySee the circular
ExperienceSee the circular
Application TypeOnline (bdjobs)
Application Form (bd jobs)Click Here
Application Form (Official Website)Click Here
Application DeadlineDeadline are mentioned on the Circular
About AarongAarong is an exclusive designer line for women. Blending modernity with time-honoured artistry, this line brings the fine artisanal craft of Bangladesh into sophisticated couture. The range of sarees, kameezs, jackets, and tunics have been designed to be stunning statement pieces for any soiree or special occasion. For the contemporary woman who seeks to seize the limelight embodying sophistication, elegance, heritage, and individuality, this brand is for you.

Aarong Job Circular 2025

Aarong Job Circular 2025

Apply Online through Aarong Official Likedin page

Check Aarong Recent All job Circular – বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখতে স্ক্রল করুন।

Click Here To View Full Job Circular & Apply Online – (সম্পূর্ণ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখুন ও আবেদন করুন এখানে)

Application Deadline: See Above Circular

This post is about : Aarong job circular March 2025; latest job circular Aarong; update job circular of Aarong; arong job; Aarong fashion; Aarong office; apply process Aarong; apply online Aarong; Aarong job search; www.Aarong.com; Aarong branch; jobs in Aarong; job at Aarong; Aarong job application; recent job circular of Aarong. Aarong Career opportunity

99 thoughts on “Aarong Job Circular 2025

  1. I need a job very urgently. I have completed honours and masters in management . but totally unemployed now. please help me by giving a job. very urgent plz.

  2. i need a job urgently
    please help me
    i have complete H.S.C
    now I’m study B.A in
    beanibazar govt. college

  3. I want to self motivate and devloped my skills to working a reputed multinational institution. And i hope i will be done respectively.

  4. I need a job in marketing/Sales department.
    Qualification: Running BBA student, mojor in finance last semester

  5. Hello
    I am Md. Mahmudul Haque. I have completed my graduation and post graduation from the department of English. Now I am searching a job acording to my qualification. If it is possible to manage, it will be very helpful for me.

  6. I am working at a private commercial bank, as Relationship Manager under Emerging Corporate & Special Programmes and SME Division. I am more than 15 years’ experience in Customer Relationship, Business Development, Branch operation, General Banking & Credit Risk Management. I am successfully complete BBA (Marketing), MBA (Marketing), DAIBB & JAIBB in my academic career.

    Sir, also want to inform you that there may be a possibility of employee layoff at our bank any time due to this Pandemic situation of COVID-19. If it is so, then it will be a big trouble for me as well family. So, it is a humble request to you to consider me for any kind of job (at any sector) with any amount of remuneration as I have no alternate to survive with my family at any cost. Sir I want to survive with my family.

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